
Downloadandinstallthelatestportablesetupwhereyouwantthenrunbrave-portable.exe.IfyouhavealreadyinstalledBrave™fromtheoriginalsetup,move ...,[2012.06.18]修正免安裝版無法安裝外掛的問題。[2014.08.25]更新36.0.1985.143版的「GoogleChromePortable.exe」。[2016.04.15]第50版開始已不支援XP,支援WindowsXP ...,,Multilingual97MBdownloa...

Brave™ portable

Download and install the latest portable setup where you want then run brave-portable.exe . If you have already installed Brave™ from the original setup, move ...

Google Chrome Portable 123.0.6312.123 穩定版免安裝 ...

[2012.06.18] 修正免安裝版無法安裝外掛的問題。 [2014.08.25] 更新36.0.1985.143版的「GoogleChromePortable.exe」。 [2016.04.15] 第50版開始已不支援XP,支援Windows XP ...

Google Chrome Portable 64

web browser. Download from Version 123.0.6312.123 for Windows x64, Multilingual 97MB download / 353MB installed. Notes | Antivirus Scan ...


Browsers · Falkon Portable - web browser · Google Chrome Portable (Freeware) - fast, simple, themeable browser · Gopherus Portable - Console gopher client · Iron ...


Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition v124.0.2 Updated · Google Chrome Portable v123.0.6312.123 Updated · Pale Moon Portable v33.0.2 Updated · Vivaldi v6.6 Updated.

Opera 109.0.5097.45 免安裝中文版

Opera 是由Opera 軟體公司所開發的網頁瀏覽器。最新版本可用於Microsoft Windows、OS X 和Linux 作業系統,並使用Blink 排版引擎。而早期版本則使用Presto 排版引擎。

Opera portable | USB browser

With Opera portable, you can run the browser from a USB stick on any Windows computer. Download it from the official site.

Opera Portable | USB 浏览器

使用Opera Portable,您可以在任何Windows 计算机上从U 盘运行浏览器。请从Opera 官网 site 进行下载。

Portable Software - Internet

Browsers · Opera One Portable 109.0.5097.45 / 111.0. · Google Chrome Portable 123.0.6312.123 / 124.0. · Portable Maxthon / 7.1. · Midori Portable ...


Browse faster, safer and smarter. Opera Browser is built for the changing web - block unwanted ads, use a free VPN, connect desktop & mobile browsers, and ...